Step 3 ANSWERS page, watch this video!!


OK, you were forwarded here after you finished the “Step 3 Assignment” page… if for any reason something happened where you clicked away from this page and cannot locate it again while still needing to watch the video? Either send me a quick message requesting the link to access the page again, OR just fill out the form again to get sent to this page again (even if it’s gibberish, as long as you have properly and with intent/effort actually completed and submitted it at least once).

So, click below and watch this beginning-to-end. As soon as you are done, send me a message by SKYPE or FACEBOOK ONLY (Skype is preferred… but if FB, click the blue “Send message” button at )… saying, “Scott, I finished your form and watched the entire video after submitting it.) Then, feel free to go straight to Step 4 of ASPIRE training!

If you have read the above message, click here now and watch from beginning-to-end: